In the past week our nation has been busy celebrating the 4th of July. Many of you shared picnics with your families or watched parades and fireworks in your community. I’ve listened many times recently to the songs about our great country and the freedom we have here in America and it led me to reflect upon the reasons and purpose for the 4th of July holiday.
Back in 1776, during the Revolutionary War, Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence. This document declared that the colonies in America wanted to separate and absolve themselves from the British crown and their authority. The British government had become destructive to the original states and The Declaration listed all the reasons why America wanted the separation including their right to pursue Life, Liberty and Happiness, which they stated, was endowed (given) by their Creator, God.
Our heritage was based on the foundation of Christ and our Forefathers fought a long, hard war to guarantee our freedom to worship God. Yet, we oftentimes take our freedom for granted and lose sight of what the 4th of July celebration signifies for our country.
We have freedom and independence because of God’s goodness and love for us and for our country. It’s interesting that the 4th of July is also called Independence Day. Independence is defined as freedom from the control, influence, support, or aid of others. However, we can’t have true independence and freedom without God. The “Fathers of our Nation” recognized this fact.
What does freedom and independence mean to you? Does it mean you can go anywhere and do anything you want at any time? I believe it means that we have the freedom to choose which God we will serve – the god of this world, or the God of the Universe who providentially created America for His glory and to give His children the freedom to build their lives and see their dreams come to pass.
God has always had a heart for His children to be free from slavery of any kind. After God brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt He told them – “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt so that you would no longer be slaves to the Egyptians; I broke the bars of your yoke and enabled you to walk with heads held high.” Leviticus 26:13.
Today, God is still in the business of leading His children out of slavery. Many of us are still in bondage to our past. At times our head is held down in shame over our past sins or failings. Long ago words spoken over us by an abusive parent or spouse still hold our emotions in chains. Our physical and spiritual need for comfort and peace eludes us and we’ve become accepting of never rising to the top and becoming successful and free to feel happy without the burden of guilt.
However, just as God set this country in motion over 200 years ago, He has already established a plan for your life and freedom from all your burdens. You can move forward with dignity because God has forgiven you and set you free. You can independently walk through your world without being controlled or influenced by others who do not have your best interests at heart. You can do this by walking daily with God.
Do not let your past sins or the pain caused by others keep you bound to your past. You were not meant to be able to carry this weight. Christ died to set us free from sin and from a long list of regulations and accusations.
Long ago God delivered our country from oppression and gave us, His children, ultimate freedom. Today DECLARE your independence and your freedom from your past and walk forward with your head held high because of God’s great love for you!
“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1.
At the bottom of this post is the link to an inspiring 20 minutes from a Christian TV show on the Daystar Television Network called Joni Table Talk. Joni’s guest is David Barton, a Historian and Christian, whose passion is teaching people about the history of our nation and how America was founded on Christian values. I hope you’ll take a few minutes out of your day to watch this inspiring message.
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