If you’re like me, just hearing a song on the radio or a CD immediately transports you to a long ago memory….
I’m an 11 yr. old girl at church camp, walking through the woods feeling at peace and singing an old hymn, The Old Rugged Cross, not knowing that one day I would sing this song at both of my grandparent’s funerals.
Now it’s the mid-70’s and I’m just out of high school and listening to The Captain and Tenille’s Love Will Keep Us Together on the radio. I smile and feel excited about my future as I prepare to enter my first marriage.
It’s the 80’s and I’m divorced but deliriously happy as I’m driving down the road, top down, singing at the top of my lungs along with Bon Jovi that I’m Living on a Prayer.
We’ve hit the 2000’s and the world is still intact and I’m outside pulling weeds, agreeing with the Backstreet Boys as they’re singing I Want it That Way. Yes! I want it my way too!
Now it’s 2004 and I’m standing in church as the worship team sings Redeemer by Nicole Mullen. I’ve been walking with the Lord for over ten years but I’m far from a “mature” Christian. However, as I stand with my arms outstretched to Christ I know I’m forgiven because my Redeemer lives.
The years continue to roll by and the earth slips into 2009. I’m at home reading my bible; K-Love Christian radio is playing softly in the background. I turn up the volume as one of my favorite artists comes on, Michael W. Smith. He’s singing his brand new song, Here I am. I listen to the lyrics ….. “Here I am ready to give up my life for the One, Here I am ready to pour out my heart for the Son, Here I am.” I raise my arms towards the heavens and speak softly – “Yes, Lord, Here I am. Use me Lord, teach me, and help me to walk more closely with you.”
God has definitely used me and grown me these last few years, and I’ve learned that one of the ways to hear Him more clearly and deeply is through the words and music of worship songs. Whether you’re in a church or an arena or alone in your room, God loves to be with you and speak to you as you open your heart and mind to Him through worship songs.
Do you know that the Lord speaks to us through songs as we praise and worship Him? His word says that “He inhabits the praises of His people.” Psalm 22:3 says, “Yet You are holy, O You who are enthroned upon (inhabit) the praises of Israel (your people).”
Worship is defined as: Adoring reverence or regard; reverent honor paid to God; to adore and glorify. When you lift your voice at church and sing along with the worship band God is listening and is smiling down at you. God wants to have a relationship with you; He wants to speak to you. He has so many things to tell you!
God’s Power is in worship! David realized this and would always sing and dance before the Lord. David would have the whole house of Israel join in praising and worshipping God as they celebrated the victories the Lord gave them. 2 Samuel 6:5, 14.
In Joshua, Chapter 6, the city of Jericho’s walls came crashing down because of the praise and shouts of the people and blowing of trumpets. God truly loves to speak and work through music and song!
However, there is music that glorifies God and music that glorifies another spirit – one that is evil. Make sure you are singing and listening to the right music. God wants you to worship Him only. Whatever else is occupying your mind put it aside. Worship brings in God’s power and peace. He tells us in His word, “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10. When we “still” our mind and focus on God through worship we are able to hear Him speak to us in a mighty way.
A few months ago I had a vision from God as I worshipped Him. I had turned on some worship music and was just sitting, singing quietly and praying. Then, through my “spiritual” eyes I saw myself at the bottom of God’s throne, I grabbed his robe and then with both of my hands I grabbed onto His ankles and pulled myself up until I was face to face with God. He looked into my eyes and smiled and I saw His incredible love for me. I felt Him say He was pleased with me. The worship music and my surrender to my Father God had brought me into His presence in a powerful way.
I encourage you to spend time in worship this week and listen to what God has to say to you. You won’t be disappointed.
“Come, let us sing for joy to the Lord; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him (praise highly) with music and song.” Psalm 95:1-2.
Below is the link to the song Here I Am for those of you who would like to listen.
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