“Is there anything too hard for the Lord? At the appointed (predetermined, arranged, set) time, I will return to you, according to the time of life…” Genesis 18:14
My husband, Bob, and I are embarking on a new adventure. We’re packing up our house, loading up the U-Haul and moving to Salt Lake City, Utah, which is my hometown and where most of my family still lives. By the first of the month we will be living in our new home. However, it hasn’t been a quick and easy journey.
God actually told Bob and I that we would be moving to Salt Lake City about a year and a half ago, back in May, 2012. They weren’t audible words but we both suddenly knew He would be moving us. Of course I was excited! I have several sisters and brothers there, an aunt and cousins, good friends, and my mother. Many of you know that I have been taking care of my elderly mother from long distance for almost three years now so living close to her, in the same town, will be wonderful; so much easier for me and for her.
However, even though God said we’re going to be moving to Utah, it didn’t mean He was going to move us right away and this is where the waiting and anxiousness came in. Once I knew His plan though, my mind began trying to devise my own way of getting us to Utah immediately! I started looking online for houses to rent for surely God was going to move us there by fall (of 2012), and then as fall passed by I decided, “Oh, God will move us in the spring! That’s a beautiful time of year. Thank you Lord for moving us in the spring!” And then, as spring came and went, “Okay, surely God will tell us to move before fall (of 2013).” But though I tried to push Him and give Him suggestions of when and how we should go, it was never His appointed time to move and I knew it. So, though I was tempted, strongly at times, God kept saying “Wait”, so I waited.
Then suddenly (as is often how He works), in December, He said “now.” Again, I tried to plan and cajole, “Now Lord? Are you sure? In the middle of winter with the holidays just two weeks away?” “Lord, you do remember, don’t you, that we’re driving to Seattle to spend Christmas with our sons, which will be expensive Lord. How will we have all the money we need to travel to Seattle and then move a few weeks later?” But God has His ways and we have our lowly ways. (See Isaiah 55:9.) So, Bob and I talked and he confirmed he had heard the same thing from God – go, find a house and move. Now is the appointed time!
I quickly found several houses for rent online and with the help of my sister in Salt Lake City, we found the perfect house, in the exact area I desired to live – close to my family! Thank you Lord! It’s interesting that all of the times in the past year and a half that I had search for a house there never seemed to be a nice one to rent in that area of town. However, all those times were not God’s appointed time. Now, in His perfect timing, we can clearly see God’s hand of favor upon us. God has worked out all the details perfectly and provided more than enough money for rent, deposits, packing supplies, and even an abundance of help to load and unload the U-Haul truck. You are awesome God! You are good and faithful to Your Word!
Has God been speaking to you recently or even for several years about a “move” He has for you? Has He been telling you, “Wait, not yet?” God may not have told you that you are physically moving to a new location; however, perhaps he’s told you that he will be moving you to a new level in your relationship with Him, or at your job or at church? Maybe He has promised you a new relationship in the future ….. A new best friend or the spouse you’ve been longing for? Perhaps the Lord has shown you glimpses of a gift, or a ministry, that He is birthing in you, and though you don’t even feel “pregnant” with this new gift, He has promised you that he has put this undeveloped seed in you and will bring it to fruition at the appointed time.
My friend, nothing is too hard for the Lord! He has not forgotten you, He has not forsaken you. He has never left your side or let go of your hand. He is faithful to His promises! “Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.” Isaiah 49:15. “Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.” Psalms 73:23.
As I had to do when I was waiting on God to move us, pray for His peace and patience as you wait for His perfect timing. Then praise Him and thank Him that He’s “moving” you – the gift, the relationship, the new thing He is birthing in you, is surely on its way!
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11.
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