Do you know that God speaks to us through nature?  His voice is actually audible to you daily throughout the beauty of the world around you.  In Psalm 18:13 David says of the Lord, “The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded (proclaimed loudly).”  God, our Heavenly Father, has a voice!  He speaks to us in many different ways but I’ve come to realize that we can hear His voice daily by just stepping outside.

He speaks to us as a soft love song as we sit on a beach and hear the gentle waves as they lap against the shore.  You can almost feel His arms around you as the warmth of the sun touches your face.

We hear His soothing voice calming our fears and anxiousness as we sit in a field of wildflowers with bees buzzing lightly from blossom to blossom.

His voice comforts us as it winds through the Quaking Aspens, fluttering in the wind, and holding you as you weep from hurt and pain.

And His is voice thunders over your enemies with lightening and hail to declare His power that is always with you.

Psalm 18:35 says, “You give me your shield of victory, and your right hand sustains me; you stoop down to make me great.”  God is stooping (bending) down to look into your eyes with love and mercy.  Do you see Him?  Whatever your needs today listen for His voice.  He is with you to the ends of the earth.

What is He speaking to you today?


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  1. gmathisen
    4214 days ago

    Now I know why I love being out in nature so much and why it is so peaceful no matter what the circumstances of my life. It is my time with God away from all the stresses and hustle of the world. And it is the time when I hear God loud and clear on the path I should take to live life according to His Will. Thank you for having the courage to share this wonderful message. It is fitting to your blog name Inspire Together. It inspires me to get out in nature and spend time with God.