Have you ever wondered why you were born during this time in history?  I have.  I love reading about history so I’ve always thought about what it would be like to live in different periods.  Imagine your fear and excitement as a woman living in Atlanta, Georgia during the time of the Civil War and seeing General Sherman burn the city as he made his way south to free the slaves.  Or being alive and living in San Francisco during the California Gold Rush period; seeing throngs of people coming into the city to “strike it rich”.  What if you had been born at the same time as Jesus and heard all the stories of his miracles; perhaps even able to see him up close?  One of the most interesting time periods to me is the last 113 years – as one of the men and women who were called the “greatest generation.”  I’ve always been fascinated to talk with older people who were born around 1900.  Think of all the changes and “miracles” they’ve witnessed – Two world wars, a Great Depression, men walking on the moon, the invention of automobiles, telephones, televisions, and computers.  It’s mind-boggling to think of all the changes they’ve seen and heard and how each invention impacted their lives and changed the course of our world.

In the Bible in the Book of Esther we learn how Esther was told that she was born in that specific time period for “such a time as this.”  Esther was a Jew who was chosen by King Xerxes (a Persian King) to be his queen.  God purposefully placed Esther as Queen in the palace to be able to help save the Jews when they faced the possibility of complete destruction set in motion by Haman, a commander in the King’s empire.

However, when the time came for Esther to take action and obey God she had to be brave and even risk death to seek an audience with her husband the King, and plead for him to spare the Jews.  Esther was just like you and me and she was afraid.  She had considered keeping quiet yet her cousin, Mordecai, persuaded Esther to take action by telling her “For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish.  And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”  Esther 4:14.

Esther did gather her courage and interceded for the Jews and was rewarded for her action by God.  I love this book in the Bible, which details the amazing ways God works in each person’s life to accomplish His purposes here on earth.

I recently heard Stephen Baldwin (of the Hollywood Baldwin brothers) tell about how he came to receive his salvation and to follow Jesus.  It’s a story of how God used one 55 yr. old Brazilian woman, who spoke no English, to start Stephen and his wife and children on their path to salvation.

This woman came straight from Brazil to work as a housekeeper in Stephen’s home.  Stephen’s wife, Kennya, is Brazilian and noticed the woman was always singing about Jesus.  When Kennya asked the housekeeper about the songs, the woman laughed and said she wasn’t just here to clean their house.  She had received a prophetic message from her home church in Brazil before her journey to America that if she took this job it would lead to Stephen and Kennya’s salvation and ultimately their world-wide ministry.  Kennya’s interest was piqued and she spent the next year studying the word and praying with her housekeeper.  A short time later Kennya gave her life to Christ.  Stephen then followed suit within a couple of years.  Today Stephen has a ministry, in association with Luis Palau Ministries, which reaches young skateboarders and other athletes across the nation.

God used one brave woman, who spoke no English, to ultimately impact thousands of people’s lives by cleaning house and singing to Jesus!

There are no coincidences.  God has also put you here at this time, with your family, for “such a time as this.”  Your birth was providential, meaning God chose for you to be born in this time period, and has a purpose for you to fulfill right here, right now.  You weren’t an accident.  This is God’s time for you.  You have something to do that no one else in your bloodline could do better.

God’s word tells us:

“From one man (Adam) He made every nation of men that they should inhabit the whole earth; and He determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.” Acts 17:26.

God has placed you in your family, in your position, in your country, for a purpose.  You received salvation to make an impact in the world, or in just one person’s life.  The talents God gave you were meant to be used to further His Kingdom and to help others come to know Him and receive His peace and love.

God will use you to help people who are hurting and need Jesus.  You can influence people; you can change their lives for the better.  Invest in Jesus.  Be open to people and watch where God will take you!



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  1. gmathisen
    3996 days ago

    Awesome. God is really using you to inspire others. Your blogs keep getting better and better. My mood was blah and after reading this I am inspired to invest in Jesus and ask Him to show me my purpose in this life. Thank you for being brave.